What is good about aging is the fact that though it is inevitable, it is something that we can control. It isn't true then that we are basically powerless when it comes to the aging process. Although we can't stop it, we can certainly slow it down or hasten it, depending on the choices that we make.
If you really want to, you can age well. You can be one of those people who look like they are 18 when they are actually 28. These people , may have the gift of the genes, but this isn't the only factor.
What we do to our body and what we do to our lives will factor in the aging process. A person who eats well, exercises often and generally thinks positive thoughts will most likely have fewer wrinkles than those who don't.
To help you feel young and be young once again, here are some edicts that you should live by.
Though shall not water your sense of humor.
Keeping things light in the face of extreme challenges is one secret to staying young and being on top of things. Being in control and coping with problems doesn't necessarily entail being serious and frowning all the way through the situation. You can solve the problem while still keeping your enthusiasm and good humor intact.
Smile every chance you get. This not only uses fewer facial muscles, but it also lights up the face and relaxes your whole expression, making you appear more inviting and more youngful.
Though shall remember to have fun
Relax. Working like a horse may get you to the top of the corporate heap but too much work may put you on a hospital stretcher. Set aside some free time that will help you relax and just have fun.
Take up a new hobby, something that will occupy your time in addition to your work and yet still be productive in a way so that you won't feel guilty. Treat yourself to a change. Go on a vacation and recharge. Have fun and enjoy life. This is one way to becoming and staying young.
Though shall hang out with younger people

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