What Causes Skin To Age?

Posted by bulxy | 7:05 AM

Who doesn't know the word aging?

This is perhaps one of the most talked-about topics in the country. In a society that prides itself with good appearance, aging is truly a major issue.

All people go through the same process of aging. It is as natural as life and death. As people get older, their skin will become less firm. Fine lines and wrinkles will also develop especially in the areas that are used often.

But despite being a natural and standard process, there are some factors that may speed up the development, allowing some of the signs to appear way before its appointed time.

Below are just some of the factors that make your skin age faster.

The sun

It may be something that we can’t get rid of as it will be there everyday of our existence, but you can certainly try to prevent it from wreaking havoc on the skin. The sun is the single most powerful contributor to wrinkles and lines on the face.

Exposure to the sun not only darkens the skin but can also burn the natural protectors of the skin, allowing the harmful UV rays to settle in. It can result in skin that appears leathery and sagging. In addition to this, there is also an increased risk of skin cancer with frequent unprotected exposure to the sun.

Experts advise for people to wear sun block all the times. This is especially true for people whose jobs are outdoors. For people who aren't frequently outdoors, a sun block with SPF 15 is ok; but for those who are exposed to the sun all the time, SPF 45 is recommended.

Cigarette Smoking

Although it may seem farfetched, what we take into our bodies can actually affect our skin. Cigarette smoking, for instance, can increase the aging process significantly as the smoke can dry the skin.

Cigarettes also deplete the body of much needed Vitamin C, which is a key component in cell and skin renewal. People who are exposed to smoke are also susceptible to early aging. Some scientists even believe that smoke can be as damaging to the skin as exposure to the sun.

Alcoholic Drinks.

Another factor that contribute to skin aging is the drinking of alcohol. This is because alcohol can dilate the blood vessels in the body, thus increasing the blood flow on the surface. This may make your cheeks rosy red for a time, but over time, the blood vessels can be damaged, resulting in a haggard appearance.

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Waging War Against Aging

Posted by bulxy | 9:04 PM

It is a known fact that everything ages. Planets, stars, animals, plants, and people go through this natural cycle of life. For some people, aging is considered something dreadful because it reveals ugly lines on the face, wrinkles on the skin and even white hair.

Aside from these drastic physical changes, some people also dread aging because it slows down their system that hinders them from doing things that younger people can do, it affects memory, and it also affects overall composure.

Everybody wants to beautiful and wants to remain beautiful for the rest of their lives. But since aging affects a person's physique and physical beauty, many people consider it a threat to their mission of maintaining their beauty and vitality.

But, since aging is a natural phenomenon, people can't do much about it. If you are one of those people who experience the signs of aging this early and you want to do something about, now is the time to take extra care of the major indicator of aging, which is the skin.

Below are some tips that can help you wage war against the unpleasant results of aging.

1. Protect your self from the sun's damaging and deadly rays by using safe and effective sun protection. Experts say that 90 percent of facial aging is cause by the damage brought by UV rays and radiation. You can protect yourself from UV rays by applying sun block or sunscreen daily, wearing clothing that helps protect your skin from the sun's rays such as long sleeves and pants along with wide brimmed hats, and by lessening your exposure to the sun especially in its peak hours—10a.m. to 2 p.m.

2. Delay the process of aging by quitting smoking. Studies show that nicotine intake greatly contributes to the emergence of lines on the face, aging, and drastic changes to the skin's texture as well as in its elasticity.

3. Take in lots of fluids especially water. Drinking enough water daily helps aid skin hydration and healthy cell formation. Aside from maintaining the skin's water balance, drinking water also helps in the removal of waste products in the body.

4. Try to balance your nutrition. A healthy diet that includes fruits and veggies, lean meats and fish, with moderate intake of carbohydrates can help your skin maintain its youthful glow.

5. Supply your body with enough anti-oxidant supplements. Zinc vitamins A, C, and E which contribute to the skin's ability to fight the damages of free-radicals caused by environmental factors such as pollution.

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Some people feel that aging or growing old is like paying for something you haven’t consumed. But, if aging is understood properly and preventive measures are done in an orderly manner, then aging shouldn't feel like a torture or a punishment for something you haven't done.

Use And Develop Your Own Anti-Aging Strategy

The following are just some of the simple anti-aging strategies you can apply to your daily life. These are generic so that is why you are also encouraged to develop your own anti-aging strategy that can suit you and your needs best.

1. Do everything you can to maintain a healthy weight. Maintaining a healthy weight that corresponds to your height is one of the best ways to avoid early signs of aging. By maintaining a healthy weight, you can also avoid various coronary heart diseases and other conditions that can be linked with obesity.

By keeping your weight in check, you can achieve a healthy life that can veer you away from aging. Keeping a healthy weight is also possible by eating fruits and vegetables, limiting fat and calorie intake, and with regular work out and exercise.

2. Quit smoking. Smoking is truly dangerous not only to your health but also to those people surrounding you. If you can, you must start developing a routine in order to quit smoking. When you stop smoking, you can reduce the risk of having heart diseases and lung diseases such as cancer.

3. Shield yourself from the sun's damaging rays. Protecting yourself from the sun's deadly rays is one of the best anti-aging strategies out there. Since exposure to the sun is one of the major causes of skin aging, less exposure to it can help you reduce the risk factor of skin cancer. To protect your skin further, avoid sun exposure from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and always apply sun block on your skin when you're outdoors.

4. Drink plenty of water. Hydrating your skin is also one of the best anti-aging skin strategies out there. Make sure that you provide your body enough water and not with fluids that can damage organs in the body and weaken the immune system such as alcohol.

5. Stay happy. Most people would agree that staying happy is the best anti-aging strategy out there because it gives you a positive outlook in life that makes him or her stay young in body, mind and soul.

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When it comes to first impressions, appearance says a lot. In fact, most base their initial impression on good grooming and on bearing more than on the perceived attitude and speech. This is especially true with careers that deal with the beauty and the health industries as well as in the media.

Apart from the overall style and body, part of a glowing appearance is youthful looking skin. But what happens if aging comes settling in? What do you do then?

Experts say that waiting for aging to settle in before doing anything is suicidal for the skin. Because by the time the wrinkles appear, you can't remove it or slow down the process. It is far easier to prevent its occurrence than to remove it when it has already appeared.

This is the reason why most beauty experts and dermatologists are advising people to start beauty regimens early in life especially now when young people are using make-up and are exposed to pollutions that are three times worse than previous years. The earlier you take on your skin, the better your prognosis and the longer your youthful skin will last.

Below are just some of the things that you can do to help maintain your skin and prevent aging.

1. Hydrate

Water is perhaps the most underrated beauty secret of all time. Unbeknownst to many people, water unclogs the pores and removes the toxins in the body. It also hydrates the skin, allowing the pores to breathe.

People born with dry skin are also asked to drink lots of water as this can help them keep their skin moist and fresh. As a rule, experts recommend drinking about 6-8 glasses of water everyday. If you can drink more, then that's better.

2. Moisturize

Although people with dry skin are all the more recommended to moisturize the skin, people with oily skin should also start a regimen to keep the skin elastic and moist. They should however avoid products that are oil based to prevent clogging of pores by sebum.

3. Block it out.

Protect your skin from the sun by wearing your sun block. Contrary to popular notion, sun block is not only for days that are sunny. Sun blocks actually protect the skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun. These can be present even during cloudy or rainy days.

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Beyond all the truthful facts about aging and wrinkles, there is still an effective way of reducing them. There is no other way to reduce wrinkles and imperfections on the face than undergoing the painstaking trip to the doctor for cosmetic surgery.

It is clear that all commercial products sold on the market aren't necessarily destructive, but what they promise is nothing but a good feeling. Wrinkles will never go away with the use of any synthetic creams put on the face. Make-up can only camouflage lines momentarily, but as soon as the face is wiped clean, the angry wrinkles will always greet you happily in the mirror.

Because everyone ages, like it or not, cosmetic surgeons are busy all over the world. Face treatments to reduce wrinkles, could be too invasive. The option will depend on the patient's decision and skin qualification. Yes, not all skin is suited to undergo cosmetic surgeries. An example is a face-lift.

If the face has sagged in time and has achieved all the uncontrollable wrinkles possible, the remedy could be as painful as undergoing a face-lift. With this method, the patient will be undergoing a complete surgery where the external facial skin is literally pulled until the lines are smoothed to a youthful firmness. Under a local anesthetic, the patient lies unconscious while the doctor lines out the spots where the pulling will be done.

The facial will be traced from the jawbone area to forehead and cheeks just to where there are contours and folds to hide the expected scarring after the procedure is done. The facial skin is then traced entirely, where muscles are pulled and stretched at selected points on the face, commonly under the jaw. If there is a need to do liposuction under the eyes to reduce the bulging skin underneath the eyes, this goes simultaneously with the face-lift.

It will take many weeks of recovery and bandaged face before the effects of the surgery can be seen. A patient usually undergoes extreme trauma after this due to pain and the hopeless thought of worrying that something might go wrong. The painful process face-lifts have been a part of experience by most people who are engaged in careers where facial appearance is demanding. This is usually common for TV and movie personalities. People who are under constant pressure to appear beautiful at all times can't help but have a face-lift during middle age.

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Technorati Tags: , , " rel="tag"> Reduce Wrinkle,

Beyond all the truthful facts about aging and wrinkles, there is still an effective way of reducing them. There is no other way to reduce wrinkles and imperfections on the face than undergoing the painstaking trip to the doctor for cosmetic surgery.

It is clear that all commercial products sold on the market aren't necessarily destructive, but what they promise is nothing but a good feeling. Wrinkles will never go away with the use of any synthetic creams put on the face. Make-up can only camouflage lines momentarily, but as soon as the face is wiped clean, the angry wrinkles will always greet you happily in the mirror.

Because everyone ages, like it or not, cosmetic surgeons are busy all over the world. Face treatments to reduce wrinkles, could be too invasive. The option will depend on the patient's decision and skin qualification. Yes, not all skin is suited to undergo cosmetic surgeries. An example is a face-lift.

If the face has sagged in time and has achieved all the uncontrollable wrinkles possible, the remedy could be as painful as undergoing a face-lift. With this method, the patient will be undergoing a complete surgery where the external facial skin is literally pulled until the lines are smoothed to a youthful firmness. Under a local anesthetic, the patient lies unconscious while the doctor lines out the spots where the pulling will be done.

The facial will be traced from the jawbone area to forehead and cheeks just to where there are contours and folds to hide the expected scarring after the procedure is done. The facial skin is then traced entirely, where muscles are pulled and stretched at selected points on the face, commonly under the jaw. If there is a need to do liposuction under the eyes to reduce the bulging skin underneath the eyes, this goes simultaneously with the face-lift.

It will take many weeks of recovery and bandaged face before the effects of the surgery can be seen. A patient usually undergoes extreme trauma after this due to pain and the hopeless thought of worrying that something might go wrong. The painful process face-lifts have been a part of experience by most people who are engaged in careers where facial appearance is demanding. This is usually common for TV and movie personalities. People who are under constant pressure to appear beautiful at all times can't help but have a face-lift during middle age.

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The Ultimate In Anti-Aging

Posted by bulxy | 10:01 AM

Beyond anti-aging cosmetic treatments and products that only treat the skin tissues to fight the signs of premature aging, there is a way to ensure staying young and youthful and that is by nourishing your soul. Usually, when you think of anti-aging and staying youthful, the focus is primarily given to nourishing the skin and body and not enough importance is given to nourishing the soul.

The soul tends to be something that is intangible and that is why it isn't given much notice in the pursuit of youth and youthfulness. However, this need not be the case. Nourishing the soul shouldn't be a vague and abstract concept. The challenge will lie in trying to pin down this elusive component of our being.

The soul is that part of ourselves that give us the ability to experience depth in our daily lives. It is the part of us that allows us to appreciate beauty, makes us fall in love and permits us to feel deep joy and contentment which are all important aspects of staving off growing old. It is also that indefinable part of us that feels inexplicably empty or hallow when we are unable to properly nourish it.

Often times, even though everything seems to be going smoothly in our lives we experience a discontent and a sort of restlessness and that is your soul trying to let you know that you are taking it for granted.

Feeding the soul will allow us to embody the characteristics of youthfulness that is very important in the mindset needed to help combat premature aging. This is why it is very important to not neglect this essential aspect of our general being. Despite all the anti-aging products and treatments, if we are unable to promote a healthy being in all its components such as the body, mind and soul, then a part of us remains stressed and uneasy and this will reflect in our physical appearance.

That is why combined with the proper lifestyle that ensures proper nutrition and health and the right anti-aging products that help us fight anti-oxidants known to speed up aging, we need to ensure that our soul is adequately acknowledged. Best of all, it is quite simple to achieve the adequate nourishment of the soul. We just need to do avoid stress by being more flexible.

We need to do things that make us happy and fulfilled. We need to allow ourselves some pampering. Taking on the task of nourishing the soul has made anti-aging and staying youthful very easy.

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The Process Of Skin Aging

Posted by bulxy | 8:13 AM

Skin aging is as inevitable as death. We all go through the process but the difference is the fact that we all go through it at different times and at different levels.

Some people look old when they are still in their early 20s while others look so young that people always mistake them for someone a decade younger. Some will already show signs of aging in the skin of their faces while others will have their manifestations in their general health and memory.

Genes play a large part in the way the skin ages. There are some families that look younger than they really are while there are others who are already mature looking. Race may also be a factor. Asian skin is vastly better compared to the skin of Caucasians. Although it is more sensitive to the sun, Asian is better when it comes to elasticity and suppleness. This is the reason why Asian people are so young looking.

In addition to what we get from our hereditary lineage, some factors in the environment also affect the way our skin ages. The weather for instance can have subtle effects on the skin. Extremely cold weather can dry the skin the same way that too much sun does. The same goes for the food that we eat.

Despite having thousands of literature available about skin aging, there are actually just three facts that you need to know about aging skin.

The first one is that the sun is your number one enemy. The UV rays of the sun are bad for the skin. It can cause dryness, scaling and the appearance of sun spots. Ultimately, skin cancer may also be developed. So it is important that you always protect your skin from the rays by using sun block.

The second important detail is the fact that any inflammation on the skin can do undue damage permanently. Examples of these inflammations are acne, allergies and even eczema. In addition to resulting to irregular pigmentation of the skin, inflammations can also lead to the loss of collagen in the skin, a substance that is needed for skin renewal.

The third important thing that you should remember about skin aging is the fact that smoking, aside from destroying the lungs, can also lead to wrinkles and other signs of skin aging. This is because a substance in cigarettes can rob the body of its much needed vitamin C, a substance that also aids in cell regeneration.

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There seems to be a yoga boom happening around the world as the West has finally accepted the practice and allowed it to be entrenched as a mainstream holistic approach to health and well being. Thanks to pop icons like Madonna who have been openly letting the public know that she practices yoga, the masses have caught on that this type of custom that promotes youthfulness and helps stave off the signs of premature aging.

However, how true and how effective is the practice of yoga in the anti-aging battle? Well, at the core of the practice is the promise of being able to transcend the physical body's limitations, namely its predisposition to premature aging as a result of the stresses and elements brought about from our lifestyle. As you get into the practice of yoga you get to slowly imbibe an entire holistic lifestyle conducive to promoting youthfulness. You begin to eat healthier simply because you notice the difference in your body's performance as you do the yoga asanas when you eat right.

Aside from encouraging you to eat right, the practice of yoga is a type of physical exercise that promotes optimum levels of oxygen. Any type of aerobic exercise is good for the circulatory system and it also provides the body with much needed oxygen. The difference with usual aerobic exercise and yoga is that in the latter, you need to get into asanas or poses that require you to either contract or expand your body parts and the blood and oxygen are concentrated in areas that are being exercised.

Also, the challenging poses of yoga need a certain amount of concentration. This means that at the same time you are exercising you body, you are also exercising your mind. Proper nutrition, brain exercises and physical exercise all promote better well being and youthfulness which is why the practice of yoga is one of the more popular choices for anti-aging.

Beyond that however, what makes regular yoga practice unique is that the change in lifestyle and the single minded approach to the challenge of poses allows the mind to slowly unfold into believing that it can achieve what seems to be impossible. In this realization can the yoga practitioner eventually achieve the transcendence of the limitations of the body that we have come to expect. This journey of transcendence is what regular yoga practitioners successfully use as an anti-aging tool.

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