Fountain Of Youth In Ourselves

Posted by bulxy | 5:29 AM

Aging is inevitable. Everybody goes through the process, rich or poor, commoner or royalty. No amount of money can stop the aging process. It is this reason perhaps that everybody is on the lookout for what legends call the fountain of youth.

But it seems that the fountain of youth is actually not something that can be found in some ancient and magical stream hidden in some obscure place in the world. The fountain of youth can be found inside ourselves. It isn't something that we can drink like medicine but something that we do or practice in our lifetimes.

According to a study conducted by the John and Caherine MacArthur Foundation called “Successful Aging, the genes make up 30 percent of a person’s over all aging process. The rest of the percentage is dependent on how a person uses or abuses his body. In short, it is lifestyle-driven.

More than half of the aging process will be dependent on the kind of life that we lead, whether we abuse the body or not. In fact, by taking care of ourselves, we can actually live up to a hundred years old. Failing organs are no factors. This is because advancements in biomedicine has made the use of artificial organs possible.

Cigarette smoking, drinking alcohol, inactivity and imbalance diets are just some of the lifestyle factors that can affect the aging process.

Cigarette smoking for instance can result in lung problems. This can rob the body of an easy and flowing circulation, leading to a pale and pasted appearance. Ingredients in a cigarette can also rob the body of vitamins like Vitamin C, which is primarily needed in skin renewal and cell regeneration.

The same goes with alcoholic drinks. Too much alcohol can damage the skin as it dilates the small blood vessels in the body and in the skin surface. This leads to an increased blood flow in some areas. Over worked blood vessels can be damaged over time, resulting in a flushed appearance and the appearance of broken blood vessels.

The lack of exercise is also another factor. Continued inactivity robs the body to regenerate and flush away toxins. In addition to getting rid of fats and cholesterol that clog the pores of the skin, activity or exercise builds the muscles and keeps it strong. It also aids in circulation.

Another important factor in skin aging is the food that we take into our body. Eating a balance meal often will ensure that your skin will be nourished by the vitamins and minerals that it needs for its growth and renewal. Lots of fruits and vegetables is recommended as these foods have antioxidants that keep aging at bay.