Aging is a natural process. People, when they grow old, will developed puny bones and wrinkled skin. All will eventually grow old but not necessarily all at once.
Some people will develop wrinkles early in their lives while others will remain young looking even when they are approaching their 40s. The aging process is different for everybody. Some will develop faster while for others it is a slow process.
Experts believe that aging is largely dependent on the genetic make-up of the person. There are genes that gift individuals with skin that is elastic, and not as prone to wrinkles and sagging. This is the reason why there are families who all look young.
Still, aging isn't just a function of one’s genes. There are also outside factors that contribute to its development. Some can be naturally seen in the environment while others are part of the lifestyle that people lead. For some of these external factors, read on.
In addition to weakening our lungs, smoking can also result in wrinkled and mottled skin. This is partly because components of cigarettes deplete the body of its stored vitamins, particularly Vitamin C, which is needed in the renewal of skin cells. It is also a key ingredient in moistening the skin, which prevents wrinkling.
Solution: Avoid smoking even second hand smoke.
Exposure to the sun
This is perhaps the single most important contributor to skin aging. Perhaps, because the sun has UV rays that can be damaging to the skin. Not only will the sun burn the skin, it will also result in extreme dryness, which will eventually result in wrinkles. Freckled people are also in danger as their spots can turn into sun spots. In addition, the rate of skin cancer is greater.
Solution: Wear sunscreen all the time even if the sun isn't so hot or even if you are staying indoors most part of the day.
Believe it or not, it's not only the heat of the sun that speeds up aging. People exposed to extremely cold weather may also develop wrinkles. This can happen even with artificial coldness like those supplied by the air-conditioner. Cold weather can leave the skin so dry that it chafes.
Solution: Putting on moisturizers can help solve this problem. You can also use a humidifier in your room just in case it gets too humid inside

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