Anti-aging Vs Aging

Posted by bulxy | 4:12 AM

The modern concept about being old or aging is based on disability caused by physiological disfunction so it is possible to act with the medical action. The most influencing causes of aging are life style choices and genetics. This is signed by shorthening of telomer (end part of chromosome). The shortening of telomer mostly depends on the life style, especially the amount of sports and calorie intake.

Thereby, one who consumes abundant calories will be old faster. On the contrary, lessening calories does not merely lengthening age but also can slow down the process of suffering diseases.

Reduction of calorie intake and engaging in sports are the real anti-aging therapy, because these two modalities are actually proven in playing parts in lengthening age and slowing down of suffering diseases.

Wrong perception of anti-aging is still expanding. Anti-aging is not only to make your skin smoother or to keep the color of your hair. There are a few of requirements that must be fulfilled. First, it has to be able to modify the aging process, including the process at the cell and at the biochemical system. Second, it has to be able to make continual and good health available and also to reduce disability. Third, it does not solely improve the external appearance.

Anti-aging products offered in the market now merely bast exterior. It makes all expert do not agree, and FDA of the US does not approve this kind of products. Next question is: whether all products claimed as anti-aging can be categorized as anti-aging? NO, because the product can only eliminate the symptoms and cannot last long.

In this time, it is known that anti aging is bearing various debate and controversy. In the scientific society, research is intended to exclusively slow down anti aging, to prevent and to invert the direction of aging process. Yet, there is no medical technology that can do the intention correctly.

Any Safarodiyah is a medical doctor. She developed to help others learn to do the best for their health. To receive tons of info, tips, about our health for free visit

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